#12 Spring 2023

Guest curated by Simona Chiodo

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In the backdrop of the New European Bauhaus, our time presents the European designer with three pivotal keywords: beautiful, sustainable, and together. The central question that this issue of “Ardeth” seeks to address is how to employ these three keywords in the best possible way. In essence, it grapples with the question of how to use but not abuse the checkpoints they provide us with to truly grasp the intricacies of their intended applications. The aim is to prevent hastening the transition from words to designs and, ultimately, from designs to the artefacts that make up the space of our day-to-day human existence.


Milano, 18/04/2024

Presentazione Ardeth #12: KEY WORDS

18 Aprile 2024, ore 12:15 – Milano (Aula T.0.3, Edificio 13 Trifoglio, via Bonardi 9, Milano)
Torino, 11/10/2023

Extended deadline / Call for Papers Ardeth #13: ENERGY LANDSCAPES

Extended deadline November 15, 2023 / Scadenza prorogata al 15 novembre 2023